First Regional EKF-Seminar in Vilnius/Lithuania
The first regional EKF seminar was held at Easter in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.Teachers were the EKF shidoiinkai members Feliks F. Hoff, Germany and Hans de Wekker from the Netherlands.The seminar venue was on the compound of the pedagogical university just a short walk away from the accommodation in the Radisson Blue hotel. |
The Japanese ambassador, Ms Kazuko Shiraishi, and the culture attaché gave a speech at the opening ceremony and watched the training for a while.
The participants came from Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, Finland, Romania, Germany, the Netherlands and Russia and had an intensive study with a certain focus on the preparation for the shinsa in Paris this summer.
The feedback was very positive and we hope that in face of the increasing number of kyujin in Europe such regional seminars will help to spread the knowledge and skill in kyudo.
Feliks Hoff, April 2012 | |