EKF SHOGO SEMINAR 2017 in Vienna/Austria
![]() ![]() Claude Le Guyader, participant to the 2016 benkyokai, writes in her report: Over the weekend, we received instruction on the Tenouchi by Sigurdsson Sensei who said it was currently an obsession of his, we practised Tachi Sharei, of which Zimmermann Sensei said the difficulty resided in keeping the form alive when it can appear static, and Luzet Sensei talked about the importance of the written exam (Gakka). Writing about kyudo is an opportunity to display the same attitude as in any aspect of our practice and can support passing or failure. Presentations were also given on The Origins of Taihai, and on Renshi no Kokorogamae. Throughout the weekend, that same rich seam was running, which helps us recognise kyudo through the personalities and histories of those who generously share their experience with us. Hoff Sensei went back to the origins of the Raiki Shagi from a longer text by Confucius, and Zimmermann Sensei explored principles such as Shu Ha Ri and Shin Gyo So from ANKF / IKYF materials and instruction he had received. The presentations in their own ways both illuminated the purpose of practice: "Find your centre, then adjust to others", said one; "Self-cultivation, which benefits us as individuals, consequently benefits the society in which we live", said the other. To further strengthen the bonds between the European Shogo title holders, the EKF Shidoiinkai encourages the member federations to attend another Shogo Seminar at the Wienerberg Kyudojo in Vienna in the autumn 2017. The EKF Shogo Seminar will take place on the weekend of 30th September and 1st October 2017. Photo © Kyudojo Wienerberg - Link: http://www.kyudo-vienna.net |